From Krista:
My White Blood Count is 4.1 and the Neutrophil count is 3.3 the last time my white count was that high was in July !!! My Tumor Marker ~ which is a protein that they use to measure some types of cancer ~ before I started Chemo was 20.something and it is down to 8.something. I don't remember the exact numbers, but regardless it is very wonderful news all the way around. So except that I am getting a cold - all is well in Krista's world.
YIPEE!!! ~ From Erin :-)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
moms protocol
All of the following is information about what Krista is doing:
She will receive 50 grams of Vitamin C with Lipoic Acid & Glutathione, 1 hr Hyperbaric oxygen, 30 minutes lymphstar, 30 minutes of Magnatherm and 40 minute detox foot bath. She does this 2 times per week for 6 weeks.
High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy is well tolerated and very effective for a wide range of health problems. It can resolve both acute and chronic bacterial and viral infections, neutralize a wide variety of toxic substances and is a very safe and effective detoxifier of heavy metals. Recently, High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy has been proven to improve outcomes for cancer patients.
Lipoic acid, also known as alpha-lipoic acid, is a sulfur-containing fatty acid. It is found inside every cell of the body, where it helps generate the energy that keeps us alive and functioning. Lipoic acid is a key part of the metabolic machinery that turns glucose (blood sugar) into energy for the body's needs.
Lipoic acid is an antioxidant, which means that it neutralizes naturally occurring but harmful chemicals known as free radicals. Unlike other antioxidants, which work only in water or fatty tissues, lipoic acid is unusual in that it functions in both water and fat. By comparison, vitamin E works only in fat and vitamin C works only in water. This gives lipoic acid an unusually broad spectrum of antioxidant action.
Antioxidants are a bit like kamikaze pilots, sacrificing themselves to knock out free radicals. One of the more interesting findings about lipoic acid is that it may help regenerate other antioxidants that have been used up. In addition, lipoic acid may be able to do the work of other antioxidants when the body is deficient in them.3,4
It is thought that certain nerve diseases are at least partially caused by free radical damage. Thanks to its combined fat and water solubility, lipoic acid can get into all the parts of a nerve cell and potentially protect it against such damage. This is the rationale for studies on the potential benefits of lipoic acid for diabetic neuropathy.
Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, glutathione, must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body.
The presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response.
Furthermore, the cells of the immune system produce many oxiradicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays a crucial role in fulfilling this requirement.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy uses greater than atmospheric pressure oxygen as a drug to treat basic disease processes/states, and their diseases. This therapy increases the oxygen concentration in the body up to 20 times normal at the cellular level, which promotes healing. When there is a restriction in blood flow due to surgery, illness, or injury, the red blood cells block the blood vessel and are unable to transfer oxygen to the cells on the other side of the restriction. This causes swelling and starves the area of oxygen, causing hypoxia (a lack of oxygen), when this occurs the tissue begins to break down.
Breathing 100% oxygen under pressure (up to 3ATA, 29.4psi, a depth of 66 ft.) causes the oxygen to diffuse into the blood plasma. This oxygen-rich plasma is able to travel past the restriction, diffusing up to 3 times further into the tissue. The pressurized environment helps to reduce swelling and pain, while providing the body with up to 20 times its normal supply of oxygen to help repair tissue damage.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy forces more oxygen into the tissue, encouraging the formation of new blood vessels. As these new blood vessels develop, the red blood cells start to flow, delivering even more oxygen to the affected area. This creates the optimal environment for the body’s natural healing processes to repair damaged tissue.
The lymphatic system - Lymphstar is an hi-tech electronic instrument which has been proven to enhance the flow of lymph - is most important in the elimination of toxins from the body. Lymph vessels can become clogged with protein deposits, similar to those in the vascular system. When this occurs, the blockages cause a backup in the flow of lymphatic fluid, resulting in swelling or edema. Consequently, toxic waste matter cannot effectively be released from the body, nor can the immune system function at optimum performance. The lymphatic system and the immune system interact in each moment of human life. It is the “information highway for the immune system.”
Heating** is an important technique in the practice of physical medicine. Therapeutic heat treatment of deeper pathologic conditions and chronic disease processes can be achieved very easily with Magnatherm.
Heating of deep seated musculature results in many beneficial physiological effects:
* Increase in blood flow due to vasodilation
* Increase in capillary pressure and cell membrane permeability
* Increase in transfer of metabolites across cell membranes
* Increase in concentration of white blood cells and antibodies
* Increase in transfer of toxins, engulfed bacteria, and debris away from the treated area
* Improved oxygenation
* Decreased inflammation
* Relaxation of muscles and relief of muscle spasms
* Decrease in tension of collagenous tissue and increase of range of motion of collagenious tissue such as tendons and joint capsules
* Relief of pain and edema
Magnatherm is useful in the management of arthritis, bursitis, low back pain and muscle spasm, tendonitis, neuritis, and other similar conditions that benefit from mild, moderate, or vigorous deep heat therapy.
Magnatherm not only relieves pain but can often help resolve the underlying conditions.
**The Magnatherm has two independent induction treatment heads which allow for the treatment of two parts of the body simultaneously, the treatment of one area of the body from two directions, or the synergistic treatment of one area both directly and remotely at the same time.
She will receive 50 grams of Vitamin C with Lipoic Acid & Glutathione, 1 hr Hyperbaric oxygen, 30 minutes lymphstar, 30 minutes of Magnatherm and 40 minute detox foot bath. She does this 2 times per week for 6 weeks.
High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy is well tolerated and very effective for a wide range of health problems. It can resolve both acute and chronic bacterial and viral infections, neutralize a wide variety of toxic substances and is a very safe and effective detoxifier of heavy metals. Recently, High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy has been proven to improve outcomes for cancer patients.
Lipoic acid, also known as alpha-lipoic acid, is a sulfur-containing fatty acid. It is found inside every cell of the body, where it helps generate the energy that keeps us alive and functioning. Lipoic acid is a key part of the metabolic machinery that turns glucose (blood sugar) into energy for the body's needs.
Lipoic acid is an antioxidant, which means that it neutralizes naturally occurring but harmful chemicals known as free radicals. Unlike other antioxidants, which work only in water or fatty tissues, lipoic acid is unusual in that it functions in both water and fat. By comparison, vitamin E works only in fat and vitamin C works only in water. This gives lipoic acid an unusually broad spectrum of antioxidant action.
Antioxidants are a bit like kamikaze pilots, sacrificing themselves to knock out free radicals. One of the more interesting findings about lipoic acid is that it may help regenerate other antioxidants that have been used up. In addition, lipoic acid may be able to do the work of other antioxidants when the body is deficient in them.3,4
It is thought that certain nerve diseases are at least partially caused by free radical damage. Thanks to its combined fat and water solubility, lipoic acid can get into all the parts of a nerve cell and potentially protect it against such damage. This is the rationale for studies on the potential benefits of lipoic acid for diabetic neuropathy.
Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, glutathione, must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body.
The presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response.
Furthermore, the cells of the immune system produce many oxiradicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays a crucial role in fulfilling this requirement.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy uses greater than atmospheric pressure oxygen as a drug to treat basic disease processes/states, and their diseases. This therapy increases the oxygen concentration in the body up to 20 times normal at the cellular level, which promotes healing. When there is a restriction in blood flow due to surgery, illness, or injury, the red blood cells block the blood vessel and are unable to transfer oxygen to the cells on the other side of the restriction. This causes swelling and starves the area of oxygen, causing hypoxia (a lack of oxygen), when this occurs the tissue begins to break down.
Breathing 100% oxygen under pressure (up to 3ATA, 29.4psi, a depth of 66 ft.) causes the oxygen to diffuse into the blood plasma. This oxygen-rich plasma is able to travel past the restriction, diffusing up to 3 times further into the tissue. The pressurized environment helps to reduce swelling and pain, while providing the body with up to 20 times its normal supply of oxygen to help repair tissue damage.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy forces more oxygen into the tissue, encouraging the formation of new blood vessels. As these new blood vessels develop, the red blood cells start to flow, delivering even more oxygen to the affected area. This creates the optimal environment for the body’s natural healing processes to repair damaged tissue.
The lymphatic system - Lymphstar is an hi-tech electronic instrument which has been proven to enhance the flow of lymph - is most important in the elimination of toxins from the body. Lymph vessels can become clogged with protein deposits, similar to those in the vascular system. When this occurs, the blockages cause a backup in the flow of lymphatic fluid, resulting in swelling or edema. Consequently, toxic waste matter cannot effectively be released from the body, nor can the immune system function at optimum performance. The lymphatic system and the immune system interact in each moment of human life. It is the “information highway for the immune system.”
Heating** is an important technique in the practice of physical medicine. Therapeutic heat treatment of deeper pathologic conditions and chronic disease processes can be achieved very easily with Magnatherm.
Heating of deep seated musculature results in many beneficial physiological effects:
* Increase in blood flow due to vasodilation
* Increase in capillary pressure and cell membrane permeability
* Increase in transfer of metabolites across cell membranes
* Increase in concentration of white blood cells and antibodies
* Increase in transfer of toxins, engulfed bacteria, and debris away from the treated area
* Improved oxygenation
* Decreased inflammation
* Relaxation of muscles and relief of muscle spasms
* Decrease in tension of collagenous tissue and increase of range of motion of collagenious tissue such as tendons and joint capsules
* Relief of pain and edema
Magnatherm is useful in the management of arthritis, bursitis, low back pain and muscle spasm, tendonitis, neuritis, and other similar conditions that benefit from mild, moderate, or vigorous deep heat therapy.
Magnatherm not only relieves pain but can often help resolve the underlying conditions.
**The Magnatherm has two independent induction treatment heads which allow for the treatment of two parts of the body simultaneously, the treatment of one area of the body from two directions, or the synergistic treatment of one area both directly and remotely at the same time.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
From Becky
Told by Becky:
It has been a few weeks since Bobbi and I walked the 3 day, my feet and body have healed Krista's has not. That is why it was so important to me to walk the walk again this year. I have not written on the blog because I guess I felt if I didn't write it down Krista's cancer was not so real. Krista is not my sister-in-law, she is my sister.
I think the first time Krista had cancer I just knew she was going to be fine. We were younger and things like that did not happen to people our age. When her cancer came back 10 years later it hit me, we may actually loose our Krista sooner than we would ever imagine. She is a daughter to my parents and a God send to my brother. While I hurt for Krista, I hurt almost as much for David. If there has ever been a man that loved his wife it is David. Her illness has made him see that.I am soooo proud of him for taking care of her the way that he has, she would have done the same thing for him.I will continue to walk in the 3day as long as there is a chance in hell it will help Krista.
Krista of all people should not have to go through this, she doesn't deserve it, she has a grand baby that she worships and I think she is a huge reason for her strength. A daughter who knows how lucky she is to have such a wonderful mother. I know Erin gets her strength from her strong faith and her strong mom. I have two daughters, four granddaughters and a one in a million mother. I walk so with the grace of God none of the women or girls in my life will have to go through the hell Krista has had to go through.
My family will continue to pray and try to support Krista, David and Erin. I do believe in miracles and prayer, and I know as long as there are doctors trying to find a cure there is a chance for "OUR KRISTA". I am also very lucky to have a friend like Bobbi who has taken this journey as if it were her personal challenge to help Krista. She is the one who gets all of 3day in order for us to do. If it were not for her I would not have had the guts to walk 50 miles this year. For this I will always be grateful. It is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. With the help of everyone I will walk again next year, My dream is one day Krista can do some of the walk with us, she is our reason for KRISTAS TATA SISTERHOOD and we love her.
It has been a few weeks since Bobbi and I walked the 3 day, my feet and body have healed Krista's has not. That is why it was so important to me to walk the walk again this year. I have not written on the blog because I guess I felt if I didn't write it down Krista's cancer was not so real. Krista is not my sister-in-law, she is my sister.
I think the first time Krista had cancer I just knew she was going to be fine. We were younger and things like that did not happen to people our age. When her cancer came back 10 years later it hit me, we may actually loose our Krista sooner than we would ever imagine. She is a daughter to my parents and a God send to my brother. While I hurt for Krista, I hurt almost as much for David. If there has ever been a man that loved his wife it is David. Her illness has made him see that.I am soooo proud of him for taking care of her the way that he has, she would have done the same thing for him.I will continue to walk in the 3day as long as there is a chance in hell it will help Krista.
Krista of all people should not have to go through this, she doesn't deserve it, she has a grand baby that she worships and I think she is a huge reason for her strength. A daughter who knows how lucky she is to have such a wonderful mother. I know Erin gets her strength from her strong faith and her strong mom. I have two daughters, four granddaughters and a one in a million mother. I walk so with the grace of God none of the women or girls in my life will have to go through the hell Krista has had to go through.
My family will continue to pray and try to support Krista, David and Erin. I do believe in miracles and prayer, and I know as long as there are doctors trying to find a cure there is a chance for "OUR KRISTA". I am also very lucky to have a friend like Bobbi who has taken this journey as if it were her personal challenge to help Krista. She is the one who gets all of 3day in order for us to do. If it were not for her I would not have had the guts to walk 50 miles this year. For this I will always be grateful. It is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. With the help of everyone I will walk again next year, My dream is one day Krista can do some of the walk with us, she is our reason for KRISTAS TATA SISTERHOOD and we love her.
Monday, October 27, 2008
the 3 day walk closing ceremonies

this is where we met for the closing ceremonies. not the best bc you could not see anything, but we were not able to meet at piedmont park this yr bc of the drought this summer. maybe we can meet there next yr!

this is a funny guy i saw :) hilarious! they have some of the best team names. this one and bippity boppity boobs!

the team mascot, flamingo. or as mags says MINGO!!

three ladies in pink while we waited for our walkers!

krista and her new "hair", i told her she should wear it every day!

our walkers becky and bobbie. you should also note that david is smiling in this picture. this is maybe 1 of 10 pictures we have of him smiling!

krista and her tata sisterhood!

kristas tatas!! click to enlarge so you can see the flamingos :)

you drink your champagne girls, you deserve it!

the family:: mom, david, mema, becky, papa nick, pepa!! ~david smiling again~

bobbie and her husband rick!

mags celebrating with a drink of her own

the guys!

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Yep it's back.
For those of you who may not have guessed, my cancer came back. I was re~diagnosed in Jan of 2007 with Metatastic Breast Cancer it has moved to my bones. My Sister-in-Law (Becky) and some of her coworkers decided last year to do the Susan B Komen 3 Day 60 mile walk in my name so they raised the money and walked.
I was so proud, but I never thought, in my wildest dreams that they would do it again this year, but they are and it is pouring down rain and its windy and cold but Becky and Bobbie have walked 20 miles today with wet cold feet, ate soggy turkey sandwiches for lunch and kept walking, but they are getting to sleep in a warehouse tonight so they are dry.
Tomorrow they will walk 20 more miles and the next day 20 more to raise money and awareness of this terrible disease that touches everyone in some way and I'm sure that on Sunday afternoon after closing ceremonies they will be signing up along with a few thousand of their friends to do it again next year.
I was so proud, but I never thought, in my wildest dreams that they would do it again this year, but they are and it is pouring down rain and its windy and cold but Becky and Bobbie have walked 20 miles today with wet cold feet, ate soggy turkey sandwiches for lunch and kept walking, but they are getting to sleep in a warehouse tonight so they are dry.
Tomorrow they will walk 20 more miles and the next day 20 more to raise money and awareness of this terrible disease that touches everyone in some way and I'm sure that on Sunday afternoon after closing ceremonies they will be signing up along with a few thousand of their friends to do it again next year.
Friday, October 24, 2008
3 day walk ~ walkers!

this is becky (krista's sis in law), krista and bobbie (good family friend). we all met for dinner at the cheescake factory the night before the 3 day walk!

here is one of the awesome people who serve all weekend to keep the walkers encouraged!

happy WET walkers!

can you see how far the line of people goes! 4700 people signed up for this walk. they wach have to raise approx $2,200. do the math:: that is OVER 10 MILLION dollars!

love the pink rain gear!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wanna help support and encourage those fighting to cure cancer?
Hello Everyone,
It's almost here. 1 month from today Becky & I will start our 3 -Day journey to help find a cure for Breast Cancer or any kind of Cancer. Below you will find an address that you can send us a card or letter to give us the support we will need as we do this walk. If you can pass this on to your friends that would be great because even getting a letter from someone you don't even know after walking 20 miles in one day will give us the ENCOURAGEMENT we need to get up the next morning and walk that next 20 miles! Krista is our HEART & SOUL SISTER FOR LIFE she gave us the inspiration we needed to start our TA-TA Sisterhood Team and she will be with us as we walk that last mile on this 60 mile journey, but we need your support for the other 59 miles.
Thanks to everyone that has helped us. Love, Bobbie & Becky
You’ve Got Mail
There’s nothing like a letter from a loved one to inspire you to keep going. Your friends, family and supporters can write a letter to you, which we’ll deliver to you on the event at the Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office inside the 3-Day Cafe.
Send letters to:
Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office
ATTN: Bobbie Smith or Becky Carron
PMB 353
1750 Powder Springs Road Suite 190
Marietta, GA 30064-4861
Envelopes only, please. No boxes or large packages. Mail must be postmarked no later than October 14th in order to ensure delivery at the Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office. Any mail that is not retrieved by the walker by November will be destroyed.
It's almost here. 1 month from today Becky & I will start our 3 -Day journey to help find a cure for Breast Cancer or any kind of Cancer. Below you will find an address that you can send us a card or letter to give us the support we will need as we do this walk. If you can pass this on to your friends that would be great because even getting a letter from someone you don't even know after walking 20 miles in one day will give us the ENCOURAGEMENT we need to get up the next morning and walk that next 20 miles! Krista is our HEART & SOUL SISTER FOR LIFE she gave us the inspiration we needed to start our TA-TA Sisterhood Team and she will be with us as we walk that last mile on this 60 mile journey, but we need your support for the other 59 miles.
Thanks to everyone that has helped us. Love, Bobbie & Becky
You’ve Got Mail
There’s nothing like a letter from a loved one to inspire you to keep going. Your friends, family and supporters can write a letter to you, which we’ll deliver to you on the event at the Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office inside the 3-Day Cafe.
Send letters to:
Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office
ATTN: Bobbie Smith or Becky Carron
PMB 353
1750 Powder Springs Road Suite 190
Marietta, GA 30064-4861
Envelopes only, please. No boxes or large packages. Mail must be postmarked no later than October 14th in order to ensure delivery at the Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office. Any mail that is not retrieved by the walker by November will be destroyed.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Krista's TaTa Sisterhood
The Growing Process That Became KRISTA'S TA-TA SISTERHOOD 2007!
Told by Bobbie:
Towards the end of 2006 Becky (Krista’s sister in law) told our office in the morning meeting that Krista's cancer was back! After 10 years of being cancer free Krista & David got the news no one wants to hear. The cancer was back not in her breast this time but in her rib, spine, hip & pelvis. In our office we all think of each other as family, so Becky kept us all up to date on Krista's condition because now Krista, David and her family would now be a part of our family.
In January the TV ads for Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk had everyone thinking that this could be any one of our family or us. A few of us said, “you know I've always wanted to do that walk but I just don't want to do it by myself”. As January rolled into February, the mass mail for The 3-Day walk came to several of our mail boxes. Lynda brought her copy to work, then Crystal sent off for info. We were all still thinking, “yea right, can't you see us walking 60-miles”!
At the end of February, Dr. C, our boss, announced in the morning staff meeting that our office would be closed the week of October 15th. We all looked shocked because we knew the walk was October 12th to the 14th and our office would be closed that next week for us to recuperate. Crystal said this is a sign we have to walk.
So on Thursday March 1, 2007 Crystal Condon ~ Team Captain, Becky Carron, Teresa Jones and Bobbie Smith signed up for the 3-Day walk and became Krista's Ta-Ta Sisterhood Team. Dr. C let us put posters up in the office and our friend Lynda gave us our 1st donation (I think she felt sorry for us) toward our goal of raising $2200.00 each so we could walk IN HONOR OF KRISTA GIBBS our heart and soul sister for LIFE. Lynda, Shannon and Lisa cheered us on as we got donations and moved our stars closer to our goal.
We all worked hard to get our donations in different ways. Crystal had a yard sale and baked a 1000 brownies and cookies for her husband to sale at his school. Teresa hit all the businesses around Jefferson and in the end Dr. C and Mike Carron from Mike's Grill split the small difference she needed to reach her goal. Becky had help from her husband Nick, he sent out emails to everyone at his office and her other donations came from the love of her family and friends who all know Krista. As for me (Bobbie) if I sent you a Christmas card the year before, you got a letter from me asking for your help. My husband Rick sent emails to all the reps for his company and I went to Gibson Dental Lab in Gainesville and received alot of help from Darryl, Alvin, Don, Wayne, Shelia, April and many others. By July all 4 team members had reached the goal that is needed to give you clearance to walk the 3-Day.
I walked on the treadmill and at The Outlet Mall in Commerce, Crystal walked all over her neighborhood, but found out she was pregnant and her doctor's would only let her walk 5 miles each day on the 3-day walk which I know was very disappointing to her. Beck & Nick walked every night and Teresa walked with her husband Brian.
The closer the walk got the fear of the unknown was very hard to deal with. We didn't know what to pack or how much to pack because the weather was cold one week and hot the next week.
So Thursday afternoon before the walk Me ma & Pepa put Becky, Teresa and myself and about 300 pounds of gear (that's what it looked like) in the car and took us to our
Hotel at Northpoint Mall. Kevin brought Crystal so he could go out to dinner with us that night and it's a good thing because I don't think the car could hold any more luggage! We had a great dinner that night with Krista, David, Me ma, Pepa, Kevin, Crystal, Teresa, Becky and myself. That was a gift from Me ma & Pepa in thanks for us walking for Krista.
We awoke the next morning around 5:00 a.m. and all we wanted was coffee!!! We got ready and waited for the shuttle bus to take us to Northpoint Mall for the Opening Ceremony and yes it was cold. Thank God we had put pink feather boas around our necks because that kept us warm, but by lunch we were molting. We each walked to our comfort level and then some went back to camp or would walk a few miles catch the sweep van and we would meet up at the next pit stop. At the end of the day I was so glad to see Becky, Teresa and Crystal had our tents up, but then that meant it was shower time and the fear of the great unknown set in. We had no ideal what to expect but after using Port-a pottys all day how bad could this be. They had tractor trailer's set up with 8 stalls and small shower curtains, but by then you were so tired and felt dirty that you just did not care. We ate dinner and went back to our tents in hopes of a good nights sleep. WRONG! Becky had to get up around 2 or 3 a.m. to use the port-a potty and fell out of the tent. I think we woke everyone up laughing. Then it took us 20 minutes to figure out how to zip the tent up. Crystal being pregnant was up and down all night with her own trips to the port-a potty. We awoke the next morning to FROST on our tents and suitcases that we left outside and Teresa kept telling Becky to turn the heat up, but by lunch we were molting again.
Teresa, Becky & I got so cold Friday night that Kevin picked both of them and Crystal up and went to Target to buy us warm pj's. When I walked into camp that night Becky, Teresa & Crystal had pulled sleeping bags out of the tents (it was hot in them by then) pulled them up on a hill in the shade and took a nap. We had our showers, ate dinner and stayed at the dinner tent for about 30 minutes and then we went back to our tents and talked about the ups & downs of the walk, but mostly we laughed together for hours and then it's lights out at 9:00. We bundled up in all our clothes to stay warm. Becky & I stuffed the clothes we would wear the next day in the bottom of our sleeping bags so they would be warm the next morning. Again WRONG it's hard to change when you can't stand up or don't want to get our from under the covers. We packed up all our luggage for the final day and it didn't matter what went in which suitcase the object was to just stuff it in and get your tent down (of course we didn't listen to the instructions on how to do that). For some reason the tent in that little pink bag didn't look like it did when we pulled it out.
They put us on buses and took us to our final day of walking. We would be walking down Peachtree Ind. Blvd to Buckhead and then to Peachtree Street and then into Piedmont Park for closing ceremonies. Crystal & I walked in together at the end. We all got our victory shirts and started to line up for the victory walk. That's when the tears begin and they don't stop no matter who you are. When you see older , middle age and young girls & men in pink survivor shirts your heart lets you know why you just walked 60 miles!
Becky, Teresa, Crystal & I had a sign painted by my mom that said KRISTA'S TA-TA SISTERHOOD MOTEL NO VACANCY TO CANCER! We carried this into closing ceremonies. I did fine until I looked up and on the hill standing on a cooler was our heart and soul sister Krista that's when you can't stop the tears if you wanted to. To see how proud she was of the 4 of us for walking for her will be in my heart and mind forever. After we walked in the cancer survivors that walked came in and we all held up 1 tennis shoe to show our support and dedication we had for them. Then the crew walked in behind them and we just passed tissue's all around the group because there were no dry eyes where we stood.
After the ceremony was over David had packed us a cooler of very refreshing drinks that we had requested if we walked. Thank you Nick for driving us girls home, stopping when we needed a real restroom and helping Kevin with our luggage. Thanks to Mema & Pepa for the snacks, chairs and hugs & kisses we all needed. Thanks to Kevin for cheering us on and helping to get our 300 pounds of luggage. But forever in my memory will be the LOVE David shows to Krista as they fight this battle together. To my sisterhood Becky, Teresa and Crystal we could not have done this without each other. To Krista my heart and soul sister I will sign up and walk the 2008 3-Day walk again in your HONOR because you put everyone first and never think of yourself or show your pain. You give everyone the inspiration to go on and live life to the fullest. I pledge to you I will walk if you will fight! My Love to you and your family, Bobbie
Told by Bobbie:
Towards the end of 2006 Becky (Krista’s sister in law) told our office in the morning meeting that Krista's cancer was back! After 10 years of being cancer free Krista & David got the news no one wants to hear. The cancer was back not in her breast this time but in her rib, spine, hip & pelvis. In our office we all think of each other as family, so Becky kept us all up to date on Krista's condition because now Krista, David and her family would now be a part of our family.
In January the TV ads for Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk had everyone thinking that this could be any one of our family or us. A few of us said, “you know I've always wanted to do that walk but I just don't want to do it by myself”. As January rolled into February, the mass mail for The 3-Day walk came to several of our mail boxes. Lynda brought her copy to work, then Crystal sent off for info. We were all still thinking, “yea right, can't you see us walking 60-miles”!
At the end of February, Dr. C, our boss, announced in the morning staff meeting that our office would be closed the week of October 15th. We all looked shocked because we knew the walk was October 12th to the 14th and our office would be closed that next week for us to recuperate. Crystal said this is a sign we have to walk.
So on Thursday March 1, 2007 Crystal Condon ~ Team Captain, Becky Carron, Teresa Jones and Bobbie Smith signed up for the 3-Day walk and became Krista's Ta-Ta Sisterhood Team. Dr. C let us put posters up in the office and our friend Lynda gave us our 1st donation (I think she felt sorry for us) toward our goal of raising $2200.00 each so we could walk IN HONOR OF KRISTA GIBBS our heart and soul sister for LIFE. Lynda, Shannon and Lisa cheered us on as we got donations and moved our stars closer to our goal.
We all worked hard to get our donations in different ways. Crystal had a yard sale and baked a 1000 brownies and cookies for her husband to sale at his school. Teresa hit all the businesses around Jefferson and in the end Dr. C and Mike Carron from Mike's Grill split the small difference she needed to reach her goal. Becky had help from her husband Nick, he sent out emails to everyone at his office and her other donations came from the love of her family and friends who all know Krista. As for me (Bobbie) if I sent you a Christmas card the year before, you got a letter from me asking for your help. My husband Rick sent emails to all the reps for his company and I went to Gibson Dental Lab in Gainesville and received alot of help from Darryl, Alvin, Don, Wayne, Shelia, April and many others. By July all 4 team members had reached the goal that is needed to give you clearance to walk the 3-Day.
I walked on the treadmill and at The Outlet Mall in Commerce, Crystal walked all over her neighborhood, but found out she was pregnant and her doctor's would only let her walk 5 miles each day on the 3-day walk which I know was very disappointing to her. Beck & Nick walked every night and Teresa walked with her husband Brian.
The closer the walk got the fear of the unknown was very hard to deal with. We didn't know what to pack or how much to pack because the weather was cold one week and hot the next week.
So Thursday afternoon before the walk Me ma & Pepa put Becky, Teresa and myself and about 300 pounds of gear (that's what it looked like) in the car and took us to our
Hotel at Northpoint Mall. Kevin brought Crystal so he could go out to dinner with us that night and it's a good thing because I don't think the car could hold any more luggage! We had a great dinner that night with Krista, David, Me ma, Pepa, Kevin, Crystal, Teresa, Becky and myself. That was a gift from Me ma & Pepa in thanks for us walking for Krista.
We awoke the next morning around 5:00 a.m. and all we wanted was coffee!!! We got ready and waited for the shuttle bus to take us to Northpoint Mall for the Opening Ceremony and yes it was cold. Thank God we had put pink feather boas around our necks because that kept us warm, but by lunch we were molting. We each walked to our comfort level and then some went back to camp or would walk a few miles catch the sweep van and we would meet up at the next pit stop. At the end of the day I was so glad to see Becky, Teresa and Crystal had our tents up, but then that meant it was shower time and the fear of the great unknown set in. We had no ideal what to expect but after using Port-a pottys all day how bad could this be. They had tractor trailer's set up with 8 stalls and small shower curtains, but by then you were so tired and felt dirty that you just did not care. We ate dinner and went back to our tents in hopes of a good nights sleep. WRONG! Becky had to get up around 2 or 3 a.m. to use the port-a potty and fell out of the tent. I think we woke everyone up laughing. Then it took us 20 minutes to figure out how to zip the tent up. Crystal being pregnant was up and down all night with her own trips to the port-a potty. We awoke the next morning to FROST on our tents and suitcases that we left outside and Teresa kept telling Becky to turn the heat up, but by lunch we were molting again.
Teresa, Becky & I got so cold Friday night that Kevin picked both of them and Crystal up and went to Target to buy us warm pj's. When I walked into camp that night Becky, Teresa & Crystal had pulled sleeping bags out of the tents (it was hot in them by then) pulled them up on a hill in the shade and took a nap. We had our showers, ate dinner and stayed at the dinner tent for about 30 minutes and then we went back to our tents and talked about the ups & downs of the walk, but mostly we laughed together for hours and then it's lights out at 9:00. We bundled up in all our clothes to stay warm. Becky & I stuffed the clothes we would wear the next day in the bottom of our sleeping bags so they would be warm the next morning. Again WRONG it's hard to change when you can't stand up or don't want to get our from under the covers. We packed up all our luggage for the final day and it didn't matter what went in which suitcase the object was to just stuff it in and get your tent down (of course we didn't listen to the instructions on how to do that). For some reason the tent in that little pink bag didn't look like it did when we pulled it out.
They put us on buses and took us to our final day of walking. We would be walking down Peachtree Ind. Blvd to Buckhead and then to Peachtree Street and then into Piedmont Park for closing ceremonies. Crystal & I walked in together at the end. We all got our victory shirts and started to line up for the victory walk. That's when the tears begin and they don't stop no matter who you are. When you see older , middle age and young girls & men in pink survivor shirts your heart lets you know why you just walked 60 miles!
Becky, Teresa, Crystal & I had a sign painted by my mom that said KRISTA'S TA-TA SISTERHOOD MOTEL NO VACANCY TO CANCER! We carried this into closing ceremonies. I did fine until I looked up and on the hill standing on a cooler was our heart and soul sister Krista that's when you can't stop the tears if you wanted to. To see how proud she was of the 4 of us for walking for her will be in my heart and mind forever. After we walked in the cancer survivors that walked came in and we all held up 1 tennis shoe to show our support and dedication we had for them. Then the crew walked in behind them and we just passed tissue's all around the group because there were no dry eyes where we stood.
After the ceremony was over David had packed us a cooler of very refreshing drinks that we had requested if we walked. Thank you Nick for driving us girls home, stopping when we needed a real restroom and helping Kevin with our luggage. Thanks to Mema & Pepa for the snacks, chairs and hugs & kisses we all needed. Thanks to Kevin for cheering us on and helping to get our 300 pounds of luggage. But forever in my memory will be the LOVE David shows to Krista as they fight this battle together. To my sisterhood Becky, Teresa and Crystal we could not have done this without each other. To Krista my heart and soul sister I will sign up and walk the 2008 3-Day walk again in your HONOR because you put everyone first and never think of yourself or show your pain. You give everyone the inspiration to go on and live life to the fullest. I pledge to you I will walk if you will fight! My Love to you and your family, Bobbie
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Chapter 2
Told by Krista:
That night after we got home we had to make the calls to the parents, I let David (My Husband) do it. I wasn't capable. I can remember calling my Mom in Savannah and the only word I could get out of my mouth was ~ Mom, after that I cried and David talked to everyone.
The next morning we went to the Surgeon's office and met one of my favorite Drs. His name is Victor Pavamani and his nurse is Nancy. They were so wonderful to us, (and still are) explained everything, all of the options for surgical procedures. I had what apeared to be mirror image lumps in both breasts and we decided on lumpectomies and node removal for testing. After alot of discussion with the Dr we decided to schedule the operation for January 3rd, it was 2 weeks away and would not make that much difference in my health, but cancer surgery right at Christmas was more than we wanted us or the rest of the family to handle.
Shortly after all of this we left for Savannah for Christmas, gosh it was hard to face my Mom, but she is so strong. My parents were born and raised in the midwest and have that very "we can handle/face anything" attitude. I can remember her saying that it would be okay and my Dad saying not to worry he had already spoken to God and it would all be fine so there was nothing to worry about. My daughter Erin, was strong (like always) and David's family was wonderful.
It's really funny, I don't remember that much about how the holidays went after that. My brain just skips to right after Christmas, telling the office about the next steps in my care and the surgery on January 3. I had the lumpectomys the left side was positive for cancer along with 3 out of 12 nodes. The right side was negative. My Dr was so sure that the right side was positive that I later had a needle locator biopsy on that same side and he sent the tissue off to a different lab just to be sure, but Thank God it was only positive on the left side.
Once I was healed from the surgery it was off to meet my Medical Oncologist, Dr Freedman, there was a question of radiation first then Chemo or the opposite, since I had to have both, but we decided on Chemo first. I can remember 2 things very specifically that he told me, 1. Except for the Cancer you are very healthy,that works in your favor, and 2. We are going to make you very sick in order to make you better. He then asked me when did I want to start? I said how about right now ~ so that was my first treatment. So pretty much in one month I went from not even knowing I had cancer to being diagnoised, having surgery, beginning chemo and oh yeah ~~ 10 days later my hair fell out.
That night after we got home we had to make the calls to the parents, I let David (My Husband) do it. I wasn't capable. I can remember calling my Mom in Savannah and the only word I could get out of my mouth was ~ Mom, after that I cried and David talked to everyone.
The next morning we went to the Surgeon's office and met one of my favorite Drs. His name is Victor Pavamani and his nurse is Nancy. They were so wonderful to us, (and still are) explained everything, all of the options for surgical procedures. I had what apeared to be mirror image lumps in both breasts and we decided on lumpectomies and node removal for testing. After alot of discussion with the Dr we decided to schedule the operation for January 3rd, it was 2 weeks away and would not make that much difference in my health, but cancer surgery right at Christmas was more than we wanted us or the rest of the family to handle.
Shortly after all of this we left for Savannah for Christmas, gosh it was hard to face my Mom, but she is so strong. My parents were born and raised in the midwest and have that very "we can handle/face anything" attitude. I can remember her saying that it would be okay and my Dad saying not to worry he had already spoken to God and it would all be fine so there was nothing to worry about. My daughter Erin, was strong (like always) and David's family was wonderful.
It's really funny, I don't remember that much about how the holidays went after that. My brain just skips to right after Christmas, telling the office about the next steps in my care and the surgery on January 3. I had the lumpectomys the left side was positive for cancer along with 3 out of 12 nodes. The right side was negative. My Dr was so sure that the right side was positive that I later had a needle locator biopsy on that same side and he sent the tissue off to a different lab just to be sure, but Thank God it was only positive on the left side.
Once I was healed from the surgery it was off to meet my Medical Oncologist, Dr Freedman, there was a question of radiation first then Chemo or the opposite, since I had to have both, but we decided on Chemo first. I can remember 2 things very specifically that he told me, 1. Except for the Cancer you are very healthy,that works in your favor, and 2. We are going to make you very sick in order to make you better. He then asked me when did I want to start? I said how about right now ~ so that was my first treatment. So pretty much in one month I went from not even knowing I had cancer to being diagnoised, having surgery, beginning chemo and oh yeah ~~ 10 days later my hair fell out.
Friday, September 12, 2008
fun times with bug

here are some fun recent pictures of the bug and a~mommy.
this is the neck brace that mom has to wear for 8 WEEKS. ugh! she has fractures in her neck bc the cancer makes her bones weak. but she is never to sick to play with her grandbaby!

bug loves to drink out of a straw, here she is giving some to a~mommy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Chapter 1
Told by Krista:
It was December 17, 1996, a couple of girls I worked with ~ Carole and Jeanelle talked me into going with them to get Mammograms. I had had them in the past but like most women had canceled a couple of appointments. We scheduled them at the Women's Wellness at DeKalb General which is about 15 minutes from the County Courthouse where I worked. Well, we all had the tests and they asked if I would wait a couple of minutes, I did, then they asked me to come back in for additional films. I didn't think anything of it at the time and they gave me no clue that there was anything wrong.
We left and drove back to the office, like I said, a 10 ~ 15 minute drive and there was a message already on my desk to call my Doctor. I called and they asked me to come in right away, the Doctor needed to see me and it would probably be a good idea to bring my husband ~ fear is beginning to creep in.
We saw the Doctor about 5:30 that evening, he told me I had breast cancer and that he had made an appointment for me to see a surgeon the following morning. I remember being devastated, wondering how bad it was and of course ~ was I going to die? That couldn't happen to me, I had a daughter I wanted to see grow up, get married, have children, a husband I wanted to grow old with, 2 stepsons still in high school, parents, in - laws, other family and friends ~ a host of things I wanted to do with my life.
I remember walking out of the Doctor's office, bursting into tears and telling my husband, "Its not supposed to happen to me, its supposed to be you". I didn't say it to be mean, I said it because he has cancer on both sides of his family and we have always kind of joked that with his family it isn't if they will get it but what kind they will get and when they will get it. Then we went home and continued with the worst night of my life ~~ telling the family.
It was December 17, 1996, a couple of girls I worked with ~ Carole and Jeanelle talked me into going with them to get Mammograms. I had had them in the past but like most women had canceled a couple of appointments. We scheduled them at the Women's Wellness at DeKalb General which is about 15 minutes from the County Courthouse where I worked. Well, we all had the tests and they asked if I would wait a couple of minutes, I did, then they asked me to come back in for additional films. I didn't think anything of it at the time and they gave me no clue that there was anything wrong.
We left and drove back to the office, like I said, a 10 ~ 15 minute drive and there was a message already on my desk to call my Doctor. I called and they asked me to come in right away, the Doctor needed to see me and it would probably be a good idea to bring my husband ~ fear is beginning to creep in.
We saw the Doctor about 5:30 that evening, he told me I had breast cancer and that he had made an appointment for me to see a surgeon the following morning. I remember being devastated, wondering how bad it was and of course ~ was I going to die? That couldn't happen to me, I had a daughter I wanted to see grow up, get married, have children, a husband I wanted to grow old with, 2 stepsons still in high school, parents, in - laws, other family and friends ~ a host of things I wanted to do with my life.
I remember walking out of the Doctor's office, bursting into tears and telling my husband, "Its not supposed to happen to me, its supposed to be you". I didn't say it to be mean, I said it because he has cancer on both sides of his family and we have always kind of joked that with his family it isn't if they will get it but what kind they will get and when they will get it. Then we went home and continued with the worst night of my life ~~ telling the family.
Monday, September 8, 2008
the past 12 years update coming soon
krista is currently writing a synopsis of the past 12 years of her journey to today. stay tuned for more :)
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