Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Turning Point!

Told by Krista:

Went to see my Oncologist today for checkup and treatment (chemo). He came in the room all smiles and said he thinks I have turned a corner!! My blood work was all in the normal range, all of my counts are good.

After seeing the pain management doctor, I seem to have gotten the back pain under control and they concur that it is side effects from the radiation and not the cancer causing the pain.

I don't think I can go into remission, BUT, I can maintain where I am. The treatment seems to be working. Like my Dr, says He can't put a finger on any one specific medication, drug, etc., but the combination of all things seem to be working in my favor.

I will take that ~ any day of the week.

{So will her family!!}


Anonymous said...

Yay!! I'm a friend of Erin's - we work together at Buckhead and I met you when you came to Maggie Mae's Christmas program. Just wanted to let you know I pray for you and am sharing in the joy of this great news!!

tishdyer said...

I am a friend of Erin's too and I am praying for you. Praise God for today's good report! As I told Erin, God is still in the healing business. God bless you, comfort you and heal you.